Educational Topics

For Parents (scroll down for descriptions):

  • Parenting in the Digital Age
  • Having “The Talk” with your Kids


For Students:

  • Social Media and Me
  • Your Words Matter
  • Boundaries in Relationships

(More topics available for faith-based audiences. Contact Amethyst directly for a list of topics.)


  • Parenting in the Digital Age

Today’s children are “Digital Natives.” They know no world prior to the internet. Similarly, today’s parents are the first generation to raise Digital Natives. This fact alone puts parents in a precarious situation. They have no one to ask about HOW to raise their children in the digital age because their parents did not have this challenge in rearing children.

Amethyst will guide parents to understand WHY it is important to be aware, educated and ready to take a stand on this topic in your home. She will walk you through the many ways that technology impacts your child/teen. She will then equip you on HOW you can help protect them from the many dangers of the internet, mobile devices and the digital world.

Amethyst’s goals are to:

  • Educate you on the dangers of the internet and social media
  • Teach you how to be proactive instead of reactive
  • Equip you with tools to set up a healthy, engaging and safe digital home
  • Empower you to take action and communicate your values and expectations
  • Remind you to respond with grace in times of difficulty
  • Encourage you to address moral and heart issues which are the root of all decisions



  • Having “The Talk” with your Kids

Who is telling your kids about the “birds and the bees”? Is it you, television, youtube, friends on the playground, health class or is it pornography? If you don’t tell them, rest assured, someone else will.

Amethyst will discuss the huge impact of culture on the mindset of our children and how they look at sex. Ultimately, she will encourage parents to be the primary source of information on this topic for their children.

Amethyst’s discuss difficult topics like:

  • When is the right time to talk about sex?
  • What do I say?
  • Tricky topics and situations

She will provide tips and tools while empowering parents to be the most influential voice in their child’s life.




Click on “What Parents Are Saying” to read feedback from parents who have attended this presentation. 

Contact Amethyst through this site to schedule a presentation for your audience.