Inspire, Parenting, Uncategorized

Good Mom/Bad Mom?

The weeks leading up to Charlotte’s Birthday I was getting really frustrated with her inability/unwillingness to keep her room clean. She is a total pack rat and has so much stuff in her little room.

Everyday I would nag her to get it cleaned. Everyday it would still be messy. I offered incentives. I gave consequences. Nothing was working.

So, for her birthday she received lots of gifts (a tub full!) and so we brought home the tub and when she was ready to dive in and open them all up, I had a better idea.

I told her that she could open one gift for every day that her room is clean. She did not love that idea but guess what? Her room has been clean for 4 days straight!! [Symbol] And she is enjoying each of her gifts more thoroughly, and writing one thank you note per day.
